My BA in Psychology from Concordia University, coupled with an Ecosystem Management diploma from Sir Sandford Fleming College lays the foundation for my personal philosophies with respect to people and their natural needs. I am a firm believer that every adult and child is intrinsically connected to nature and the environment, and can best maximize their health, happiness, and overall human potential through nourishing this relationship. Another cornerstone of holistic well being for me personally is artistic endeavour. As an outlet for personal expression, emotional release and straight-up therapy I dig my hands not only into soil, but into clay, paints, felts and fibres, charcoal... and piano keys and guitar strings.
My mom provided my two sisters and me with an art room growing up, where we had crayons, paper, paints, and other "hobbies and crafts" items to immerse ourselves in whenever we desired. It is thanks to her that I can call myself an artist today. Having been exposed to various media almost unconsciously as I grew up, "having an eye for the visually pleasing" comes naturally, almost unconsciously, in that I thoroughly enjoy the act of creating and critiquing. I invite constructive criticism and I like good objective discussions on my work. I'm pretty unattached to my works overall, and readily admit when something doesn't work for me. But when I make something I like it's hard for me to give it away... not because I'm emotionally attached, but because I like beautiful things, and realize they're rare and unique.
My current art room is an eclectic collection of materials, and right now I'm playing with:
- felting, mostly utilitarian items (booties, mitts) but also wall hangings, etc.
- ceramics/mosaic-making
- making papers from recycled and dried plant materials
- drawing and painting
I also have a kick-wheel and kiln just waiting for some love and attention...
I've played piano most of my life and love writing folk music for piano, guitar and voice. Please see my Original Music page for more details.
I am also an instructor and herbalist-in-training with my husband's business, Sticks & Stones Wilderness School. Check out www.wildernessschool.ca to learn more about this amazing... entity.