Contact & Ordering

If you're interested in purchasing booties, bum salve, bum powder, hand painted cards, or anything else you see on the blog, please email me at


  1. Hi Kate,
    We got your Woodland Dandies album at the last Headwaters gathering and it is now one of our favourites! I would like to buy some more for gifts....about 10 copies please. Please let me know if they are still available, how much they cost and if you can send them to us (in Guelph).
    Thanks and happy snowy days to you!
    galya (Salix's mom)

  2. Hello Kate,
    I would like to order another five CD's of Woodlandy Dandies, in honour of my dear friend and niece Katherine Peacock. Please tell me how to do this. I just posted another very positive review on your Googleplus Review. Also, that was a lovely gesture, posting the song in which Katherine leads singing, when she was found in May. This album is the very best children's album I have ever heard, over at least 5 decades.
